Jonny Stein
Samples of Recent Web Programming I've Done
Below are some screenshots and descriptions of programming I did for my Machon Lev Final Project. To see more of my samples, click here.

Machon Lev Final Project

I programmed this entire site. It is a web application for photo storage and editing. There are different options for viewing the galleries as thumbnails or a detailed list. There is a slideshow with Javascript fading effect. There are multiple editing options, ranging from rotating and resizing, to panorama stitching, to creating greeting cards by writing on pictures. Some of it is a GUI for PHP's GD library, but other parts, like algorithms for contrast/brightness correction and red-eye reduction, I wrote myself. I used PHP, MySQL, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. You can view the application online at http://www.jonnystein.com/FinalProject and you can play with the application by logging in as username: "guest" and password: "welcome123".

Gallery Main File List

Gallery Main File List

Gallery Main Thumbnails

Gallery Main Thumbnails

Edit Page

Edit page with all the many editing options

  Gallery User File List

Gallery User File List

Gallery User Thumbnails

Gallery User Thumbnails

Photo Page

Photo page, shows picture, information about the picture and its directory, EXIF information about the picture, and navigation buttons/links


Slideshow - this was saved in the middle of fading in


E-mail a picture page